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Breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals and communities

SaveAct facilitates the formation of savings groups in communities as a simple but effective tool to fight poverty, as a foundation for building sustainable livelihoods, and as a means to empower women and other vulnerable groups.

Founded in Pietermaritzburg in 2005, we have 110 000 individual members in eight provinces in South Africa and work with a network of committed partner organisations.

Our unique savings model incorporates:

Financial Education
Enterprise Development Training
Ecosystems Development

Last-mile Distribution

These programmes are aimed at breaking the cycle of poverty and empowering individuals and communities to play more active roles in economic and social development.

What We Do

Savings groups and financial capability

We facilitate the establishment in rural communities of voluntary savings groups that allow people to save and grow their money. We work with partners across eight provinces to scale up the model, which includes financial education and enterprise development.

Livelihoods and enterprise development

Building on the success of savings groups, we have created a livelihoods and enterprise development (LED) programme. This aims to improve livelihood and wealth creation opportunities in a sustainable manner while empowering people to take ownership of their enterprises.

Last mile access: Zis’Ukhanyo

To achieve long-term sustainability, savings groups and enterprise groups need to be able to access goods and services at reasonable prices — often in deep rural areas where these commodities are hard to come by. The Zis’Ukhanyo programme tackles those needs.

Building ecosystems

We have a vision of using technology and access to markets to build an improved “ecosystem” with financial and other services designed around the needs of savings groups and, more generally, those who continue to be largely excluded from the dominant development path.

Latest News

SaveAct’s journey into agroecology

SaveAct’s journey into agroecology

SaveAct provided training to Biowatch facilitators to enable them to introduce SaveAct’s savings methodology to farmers they work with. Biowatch tried the methodology with one group, who then got remote support from SaveAct and their own facilitator during the Covid...

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SaveAct tools shine in international study

SaveAct tools shine in international study

  SaveAct’s financial education tools are being drawn upon in the development of material for a study involving 540 adolescents in three countries, South Africa, Nepal and Colombia. The project, called “Alive”, is developing and testing interventions for...

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Youth are hungry for financial knowledge

Youth are hungry for financial knowledge

  Youth are hungry for information and skills to manage their finances, and interventions are sorely needed. That was the finding of a recent pilot study done by SaveAct and partner Fiinafas, in collaboration with the Duzi-uMngeni Conservation Trust (DUCT). The...

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33 Alan Paton Avenue, Scottsville

South Africa

+27 (0) 33 345 1222