by Shelagh McLoughlin | Dec 22, 2023 | News
In a country with a teetering level of poverty and unemployment, the findings of a recent independent study of savings group impact are very encouraging. The study, done by Khulisa Management Services, concluded that SaveAct’s method enables people to build resilience...
by Shelagh McLoughlin | May 11, 2023 | News
Spring Impact declares on its website that it was “founded out of frustration”. While working with weaving projects in Ghana and India, founder Dan Berelowitz realised that many were making the same operational mistakes, rather than learning from what works and...
by Shelagh McLoughlin | May 11, 2023 | News
The humble chicken could become a game-changer for SaveAct farmers, if principles shared in a recent training course become the norm. The specialist training in poultry management, done over four days by WAYSE partner Siyazisiza Trust (ST), focused on the business of...
by Shelagh McLoughlin | Dec 7, 2022 | News, Uncategorised
A mini green revolution could soon be blooming in some of the poorest provinces of the country, thanks to an injection of agricultural training by the WAYSE programme. This training is expected to reach more than 1000 people. The need to address hunger and joblessness...
by Shelagh McLoughlin | Aug 3, 2022 | News
The cry for jobs is everywhere, but the magnitude of the crisis is stark. The creation of large-scale formal employment for millions is unlikely to happen soon. New ideas are needed — fast. The WAYSE programme — short for Women and Youth in Sustainable Enterprise—is...